The saga continues…

After stirring in acetone overnight to dehydrate, I decanted off the acetone and left it to evaporate just in case something dissolved.  The little white nugget was dried under vacuum for 2 hours, then crushed to get a small sample for IR.

Dried Mystery Goo

Mystery Goo drying under vacuum after dehydrating in acetone overnight

Evaporation of the acetone supernatant left no noticeable residue.  A bit of the white solid was ground with KBr and then pressed into a pellet.

Mystery Goo KBr pellet

Not my best KBr pellet, but better than some I’ve tried to make.

The FTIR spectrum looked relatively clean with the typical CH and/or NH peaks and enough going on below 2000cm-1 to be consistent with a polyacrylamide.


FTIR expanded

Expanded view of the 2000-400cm-1 region of the Mystery Goo FTIR spectrum

Is this definitive?  Not at all.  Is it “consistent with” polyacrylamide?  Sure.  I might try a few more things, but not right now, other duties call…